The Runway 7R-25L project includes improvements to the west end of Runway 7R-25L and temporary runway and taxiway pavement repairs. Additionally, there are improvements to Taxi Lane C1 which include a Remain-Over-Night (RON) Aircraft Parking Apron. Runway 7R Safety Area Improvements include clearing, grubbing and selective grading west of RWY 7R-25L, removal of existing utilities and foundations, concrete grinding of runway/taxiway Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement, Asphalt base and surface course paving, NAVAIDS construction and relocation, including localizer shelter, DME and fiber node, reconstructing two MALSR lighting stations, utility vaults and associated underground conduit, and installation of electrical duct banks. Taxi Lane C1 and Remain-Over-Night (RON) Aircraft East End rehabilitation include selective concrete and asphalt pavement removal and replacement, subbase and base placement for taxi lane and pavement, asphalt base and surface course paving, Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, installation of RON light poles and associated utilities, and temporary and new striping for parking lot and RON apron.
LAX Runway 7R-25L Safety Area Improvements
Project Description
Our Role
Comprehensive quality control services including the development of Quality Management Plan and inspection and testing for all earthwork, civil, electrical and HMA / PCC paving activities.