The generating facility consists of five General Electric LMS100 natural gas-fired turbine generators and associated equipment. The WCEP is designed as a peaking facility to meet electric generation load during periods of high demand, which generally occur during daytime hours, and more frequently during the summer than other portions of the year. The project is expected to have an annual capacity factor of approximately 20 to 40 percent, depending on weather-related customer demand, load growth, hydroelectric supplies, generating unit retirements and replacements, the level of generating unit and transmission outages, and other factors. The WCEP would use reclaimed water for cooling and other power plant processes and for site landscape irrigation, and approximately 827 acre-feet per year of reclaimed water for the project from the San Jose Creek Wastewater Reclamation Plant. This water would be supplied to the WCEP site via an approximately 30-foot-long pipeline connection to an existing reclaimed water pipeline at the corner of Bixby Drive and Chestnut Street.
Walnut Creek Energy
Project Description
Our Role
Comprehensive quality control services for the General Contractor, Kiewit. The scope includes Special Inspection service for all structural all structural disciplines, field and laboratory sampling and testing for all materials.